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It is used as an antirheumatic in traditional medicine. More recent studies on the use of bee venom in the treatment show that bee venom has the effect of reducing pain, lowering blood pressure, reducing blood cholesterol, and increasing work capacity.​


It also protects the body against infectious diseases. It is used as a medicine for the treatment of joint inflammation, various neuralgia, and acute inflammation of the blood vessels. Treatments for bee stings are specifically described. Bee venom and the use of bee sting is an accepted part of basic medicine. Also, many small bee venom peptides (for example, peptide MCD and apamin), due to their attachment to specific cellular receptors or cell membrane protein channels, have found very important applications in physiological studies of cell membrane functions.​


Due to the increased use of bee venom in the pharmaceutical industry (about 75 isolated components), today it is obtained by electrical stimulation of bees.

What is bee venom?


Bee venom is a liquid that a bee produces in its body. It is used in medicine to treat various kinds of diseases in a way of apitherapy for many years. The basic function of bee venom is to protect a bee itself and also a whole colony. Bee venom is produced by young bees until the 18th day of life. After it is produced bee venom is placed in a special bladder until the end of her life or until the attack of some predator in which case the bee delivers venom from her bladder in the amount 0,3-0,5 mg.

Bee venom is a dense liquid with a specific smell and bitter taste. It is known that bee venom is 30% more active than snake venom. However, the amount of snake venom delivered by a snake's bite is much higher (for example, one bite of a viper snake equals 350 bee bites).




Rheumatoid arthritis

Multiple sclerosis





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